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Week 5 — Denver @ LAC: I may not know what I'm lookin' at but I like what I see

Well, "look" might be an exaggeration, as I was again live-streaming the radio broadcast, but those dudes are very technically descriptive. I had no idea what they were saying half the time — I don't know where or how dudes line up, or what different combinations of players mean, or what nickle corner dime half-caff fullback machiato is playing what, but I need to learn it so I need to hear it.

But I can guess.

I kept telling people I'd want to win in LA if for no other reason than for Rivers to throw his tantrums when things aren't going his way. I couldn't tell if he did or not, and my reasons for disliking Rivers may or may not have to do with yours, but I could picture his face, and it was beautiful.

I have since watched this in Game Pass, and Rivers looked so dejected, I almost felt sorry for him...but not quite.

Tony Romo was very helpful during this game, which helped me put things in greater perspective and comprehend what I was seeing with what was going on. Thanks, Romo!

So, right, the game.

No Chubb. Still no Bryce Callahan. Still no everyone else on IR. Bausby went down. Two words:

Kareem Jackson. Daaaaaaaaaaaamn, bro!

Jackson turned UP. I've liked him since training camp, as I didn't know who he was prior to Denver signing him, and he made that defense shine. Glad he's back at safety, since that's apparently what he does best, though I'm still not very sure what the difference is between a safety and a corner, or different corner positions, but hey— it worked.

Andy Janovich. Welcome back! We didn't know how much we missed you until you came back and let our runners do what they do! Stay healthy...PLEASE. I will bake pies. I will concoct medieval poultices. I will double enchant a ring of fortified health. Please don't leave us again!

#30 did what he does. Watching him wiggle inside between the tackles to break out into the open and churn his legs like a Loony Toons character is always exhilarating. The Broncos nicknamed him pitbull. Apparently in college, it was the Tasmanian devil. He's the damn Roadrunner. MEEP MEEP!

Emmanuel Sanders may not be catching many passes, but his blocking helped earn this W.

I don't think this came down to them being that much more hungry for a win— they've been hungry for the win. I think things are just coming together that much more, improving week to week, learning and implementing all the new systems they've put in place. It does seem the penalty virus has moved from offense to defense, but they fixed it before; they can fix it again.

No need to sell the farm for the chickens.
Please don't trade #10 to Green Bay.
Please figure out how to score in the second half.
Keep up the turnovers.
Keep the offense on the field.
Kick Tennessee's ass!


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