The world of suck has spread to encompass yet more real estate in the hearts of Broncos fans. They got the winning touchdown! Yes ! The defense can do this! Until they can't! GAH! I'm normally the cynic—yeah, it was a great first half, but they'll screw it up. Today I was a true believer, which proves yet again what faith is—pretending to know what you don't know—and what it isn't—enough. I couldn't watch the game, but I listened to the KOA livestream and watched the ESPN gamecast. When the Bears/Vikings game was over, however, the last 2-or-so minutes of the Denver game popped on. "You have to get this TD. You have to get this TD," I repeated to myself. AND THEY DID! Then I saw the clock: 1:34 (or so) left in the game. " Shit ," I said. "They're fucked." This is a lesson I learned watching Tom Brady—you can't score that winning touchdown and give the other side time enough to take a massive dump on all your dr...
An outsider's often awkward view of American football and the Denver Broncos.